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Prizes & Acquisitions

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Cópia de 2. Racionalidade -Tóxica MASC

MASC, Art Museum of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis

Acrylic cubes filled with contaminated  ore mud (6x6x6cm)

The project is about the environmental crime that affected the Rio Doce in 2016 when the Bento Rodrigues mine waste dump owned by Vale  S.A Mining Company collapsed.
As a consequence, nineteen people lost their lives, the village was destroyed and a huge river (Rio Doce ) was polluted, as was the whole coastline of the Espirito Santo state with a devastating effect on the life of traditional communities.
The project is composed of nineteen cubes filled with toxic mud taken from the river. Each cube has a plate with a number. The number  can seem abstract, but it shows the age of each of the victims.Toxic Rationality is a memorial for the ones who lost their lives.


Captura de Tela 2021-03-20 às 22.35.45.

Flávio de Carvalho, Art Space São Paulo
*FUNARTE Prize of Contemporary Art
Installation with audios (15x15m)

Collective project by the 3P Art Group (Marcos Martins, Carlos Eduardo Borges, Ricardo Maurício,Yiftah Peled)
An installation were visitors can cross a panel between a darkened and an illuminated space, allowing the recorded voices to interpenetrate both spaces. Narrations and recipes of performances were recorded with invited artists : Adriana Barreto, Aimberê César, Alex Hambúrguer, Daniela Mattos, Dudu Pererê, Edmilson Vasconcelos, Fernanda Magalhães, Gabriel Brito Nunes, Leonardo Monteiro, Marco Paulo Rolla, Marcos Martins, Marcelo Brantes, Paulo Veiga Jordão, Pedro Meyer, Ricardo Basbaum, Raquel Stolf, Sueli Fahri and Teresa Siewerdt.


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MAM, Modern Art Musuem of São Paulo
*Global Social Forum Panorama Acquisition Prize
Printed Poster (85x25cm)

The poster was prepared as an intervention for the 1st Social Forum in the city of Porto Alegre, South Brazil and distributed and pasted in multiple urban spaces of the city that hosted the event . The image is a manipulation of four faces of the artist on a connected body. On his face one can see sunscreen and the background is composed by minced raw meat. The poster was designed as  a reflection on the relationship between internal and external violence, and gestures of protection.


Captura de Tela 2021-03-12 às 18.03.14.

Atelier 397, Vila Madalena, São Paulo

* Visual Arts Nacional Prize FUNARTE 

Organization/ curator of Super Performance project were four artists were invited (Yuri Firmeza, Daniela Mattos, Orlando Maneschy and Vitor Cesar) to create multiples designed for performance actions. The multiples were distributed with a display that allowed public participation.



MACBA Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona

Printed Multiple (24.8x12.7cm) 

Proposition in which the participant is invited to fold the form to form an ax head, leaving the image of the synthetic grass inside and the minced meat outside. Then, the shape  can be mounted at the height of the head and a   loved person can be invited to put sunscreen on the blade. The multiple deals with the contradictions of love relationships. 


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Engraving Museum of Curitiba
Installation (270x270x4cm) made of metal and glass with four printed pictures (12x20cm)

The picture shows the artist body in front of a car wash machine. The artwork deals with the precariousness of the human body.



*FUNARTE Prize of the Art Foundation of Rio de Janeiro
Installation, (250x250 cm) with printed photo (50x50 cm).

Images of the fragments of the artist's skin with olives and a pulsing clock hand. Sound of the artist's blood heart circulation in the space.The artwork relates to the body as an aliment of the time. The pulsing clock moves from a rational time set to the eternal sequence of nows.

Collections & Prizes: Exibições
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