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Projects and Urban Interventions

Interventions: Bem-vindo
Captura de Tela 2021-03-17 às 22.48.12.


São Paulo - 2021

Urban Intervention at João Moura Street, Pinheiros (10x5m).

The phrase and the question marks that expand are a reflection on the production of fiction, distribution, and effects on societies. The ambiguity of the phrase appeals to what really matters today - "no longer the truth, but the ability to appeal to human emotions and to align statements to meet or even develop collective anxieties" as sociologist Margaret Abraham argues. The work/message unfolds in different supports (multiples, mural etc.)

Interventions: Vídeo
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Vitória - 2014
Printed Sticker composed by 3 pictures  (4x4cm)

The picture relates to the football stadium spending constructions during the FIFA World Cup held in Brazil, in 2014. The picture has to do with a popular expression in Portuguese "put the foot in the jackfruit"that means: making a big mistake.

Interventions: Vídeo
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São Paulo - 2013 
Sand paper and printed images  (15x4x2m).

The Wall Project at the Modern Art Museum of São Paulo combines images of the skin with architecture. The corrridor functions as an orifice penetrated by the visitor. When passing through the corridor, he / she has his action highlighted as a performer.
Red sandpapers are glued to the wall. On the floor there is a composition of images composed of fragments of the skin of the artist and the employees from all museum sectors. This composition evokes the museum as an organism that, more than an architectural form or an exhibition space with white walls, is a place composed of the people who interact there, becoming a human composition that becomes more complex in the encounter with the visitor. The work can also be considered as a warning about the supposed neutrality of the walls in the exhibition spaces, involving the risk of contact of the body with the sandpaper in the act of walking the visitors. Thus, consuming and being consumed become complementary acts.

Interventions: Vídeo
Cópia de inter f.s 1.jpg


Porto Alegre -  2006
Posters with manipulated images of dogs and artist hands (30x25cm)

The poster was prepared for an urban intervention during the 1st Social Forum held in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. The poster was produced as a multiple, distributed and pasted in multiple urban spaces of the city that hosted the event.  Designed as a reflection on the relationship between internal and external violence and gestures of protection.

Interventions: Vídeo
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Florianópolis - 2004

Printed Sticker (6x3cm)

The project Adopt a Haole  is an urban intervening related to walls writing that can be seen in the beaches by the sea declaring: Fora Haole or strangers out! 

Interventions: Vídeo
Cópia 2 de yiftah Peled fotoperformence


Florianópolis - 2003

Printed Images of the artist gesture (42x50cm)

The image was produced during the Art Festival of Antonina, PR, in collaboration with the photographer Rogerio Gomez. Latter it was used as an urban intervention in the department  of Architecture at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The poster was inserted in the department to promote discussions about urbanism and architecture.

Interventions: Vídeo
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Curitiba & Florianópolis - 1997 - 2002


The billboard intervention project was a way of intervening, without formal authorization, on consumption images. Billboards were chosen based on the visual content and the consuming appeal of their messages. In the project, the artist climbs, naked, on a small pedestal nailed to the structure holding phrases that dialogued with the context of the advertisement conveyed there, showing the fragility of the artist in relation to the advertisement. An important part of the action takes place before the intervention on the billboard. It is the dilution of the phrase conveyed using the artist's own saliva along with washing powder. The action was linked to the attempt to dilute the enunciative power of his statement, to increase his condition of fragility and to promote the emergence of an ambiguous quality of discourse.

Interventions: Vídeo
Cópia de Captura de Tela 2020-04-05 às


Curitiba -1995

Table towels printed with the artist photographed skin (1x1m)

Intervention at the canteen of the Federa University of Parana, in Curitiba. Photographies of the artist enlarged skin were used as table towels, with printed text about germs contamination taken from a children video about health. After 2 days the work was discarded. The work connects the contamination and the place of producing knowledge/ thinking. As Roland Barthes indicates "formations are also deformations".

Interventions: Vídeo
Captura de Tela 2021-03-22 às 08.39.02.


Curitiba -1992
Coordinated related actions

The emphasis of the project was to generate movement, flows and metamorphosis (art, money, shoes, life, thoughts, etc.). These steps unfolded in actions that depended on collaboration, circulation and participation. The first intervention was intentionally designed to take place in front of the Garibaldi Square, in Curitiba. A performance  with the collaboration of Eduardo Gerken. The artists dyed large wooden boards with earth-based pigment, stepping on them. After drying, the painted earth plates were assembled as a hollow column whose interior (visible through an opening) was previously tinted purple. The second moment of the project was the sale of this object for the Casa da Imagem Art Gallery , whose financial return provided the purchase of 56 pairs of sneakers. The sneakers were distributed to paper collectors (intentionally, this action was not registered) with the participation of the artist Adriana Tabalipa. The third and the last moment was the collage of posters in the city space, with a big question mark and with the phrase: "Think about your thoughts", as a proposition, the possibility of reflective in the urban space and as a recycling of one's own thought . This stage, held at night, included the participation of Elaine de Azevedo, Paulo Reis, Denise Queiroz, Adriana Tabalipa, Doroti Jablonski.

Interventions: Vídeo
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